Poker Bankroll Management
Introduction to Bankroll Management for Poker Players. The bankroll is the sum of money, that you have in the player accounts of various online poker rooms (if you play in multiple rooms, you can add the amounts).

This poker bankroll calculator allows you to work out which limits you should be playing at in poker depending on how much money you have in your bankroll.
Poker Bankroll Management Calculator
- In poker, as in life, looking after your money is a good habit to get into. In the game, this is called bankroll management, and it’s every bit as important as knowing what cards to play and when. The best players build their bankroll gradually and don’t think about trying the bigger tables until they’re ready.
- Bankroll management in online games like poker is a key component of game planning and strategy that every player needs to focus on to stay in it for the long haul. Your online poker bankroll is the backbone for all games you are going to play which is why you need to keep it rock solid by calculating your spends and making smart decisions when choosing your games.
This calculator is based around the rules of basic no limit Texas Holdem bankroll management, which are:
- You should have at least 20 times the buy in for cash games.
- You should have at least 40 buy ins for SnG tournaments.
This bankroll calculator will tell you; which limits you should be playing at, how many buyins you have for that level, how much more money you need to win to move up to the next level and advice on how to approach the games at your limit.
The bankroll calculator.
Quick Stats |
Advice |
How to use the bankroll calculator.
- Enter your bankroll to the nearest Dollar (no decimals).
- Choose your game type (only works for NL Holdem cash games at the moment).
- Click 'Calculate'!
Make the calculator better.

If you have any comments about the calculator or would like to offer advice on how it can be improved, I would love for you to shoot me an email at greg[at]thepokerbank[dot]com. I would really appreciate any feedback that you can give to help improve the bankroll calculator.
Poker Bankroll Management Spreadsheet
Go back to the handy Texas Hold'em tools.