How Pai
A woman who is in charge of her sexual and reproductive health can change her life and transform her community.
The PAI Health app guides people on the heart health benefits of activity through a personalized program that is both motivational and impactful. PAI Health also provides organizations with science-backed, structured data analytics and reporting that provide meaningful insights. An objective inventory of adult personality, the PAI assesses psychopathological syndromes and provides information relevant for clinical diagnosis, treatment planning, and screening for psychopathology. Administration time is up to 40 minutes shorter than that for similar instruments. PAI is a day program offering an array of services and opportunities for adults who want to design a life they love. Our mission is to engage adults with developmental disabilities in meaningful participation in and connection with the community. With your help, we. PAI (Personal Activity Intelligence) is a science-backed health score that measures the heart health impact of physical activity. It gives you a personalized score, based on your profile and heart rate data to tell you if you’re doing enough, measuring what matters and keeping you motivated. PAi BY THE NUMBERS. Founded in 1983. $5.63 billion in assets under administration Serving: - 16,000 Employers - 175,000 Employees - Over 600 Financial Firms. As of.Firms include broker dealers, registered investment advisors, and other intermediaries.
PAI works with policymakers in Washington, D.C. and our network of global partners to advocate for accessible, quality health care and advance the sexual and reproductive rights of women, girls and other vulnerable groups.
A better future for women and girls
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Global Impact in Action
26 countries throughout Africa, Asia and Latin America and the Caribbean
83 partners and grantees
Over $5.3 million in grants, advocacy support and strategic guidance
A woman’s sexual and reproductive rights are the most important factors in her ability to improve her life and determine her future.
This is why we advocate to ensure contraceptives stay on shelves, providers can do their jobs and people around the world are able to make free, full and informed choices about their sexual and reproductive health.
How Painful Is The Covid Test
We champion policies that protect and fulfill a woman’s right to make decisions about her body, health and future, including the right to safe, legal abortion care.
We believe that everyone — especially women and girls — has the right to determine whether and when to have children.
What Does Pai Stand For

Supportive Policies and Funding
We champion policies and funding that make sexual and reproductive health and rights a reality for all and fight to remove the policy barriers that prevent everyone, especially women and girls, from receiving the quality care they deserve.
Quality and Equity
How Painful Is Childbirth
We believe that everyone, including women and girls, should have access to the quality, comprehensive sexual and reproductive health care they need and deserve.